

Easy Papaya Recipes for Women

Papaya recipes are good for women. There are a whole lot of Chinese recipes that use papayas as an ingredient and most of these are easy to prepare. This article is going to introduce three of such healthful recipes.

Benefits of papaya for women

Papayas taste sweet and so are generally considered to be high in calories. In fact, papayas are lower in calories than apples, oranges, peaches and pears etc. For 100g of fruit, papaya counts 27kcal while apple is 52kcal. The papaya also contains 48 times more vitamin C than apples and the highest amount of vitamin A among all kinds of fruit. In view of these health properties, no women in their pursuit of beauty would be able to resist the temptation of papaya recipes.

Papaya weight loss

Papayas are great for weight loss. The enzyme in the papaya does not break down only  proteins and carbohydrates, but also fat. Papaya recipes can help you lose weight, removing excess body fat and promoting metabolism. Eating papayas also helps stabilize the digestive system, heal gastrointestinal inflammation, indigestion as well as prevent stomach cancer.

Green papaya breast enhancement

The green papaya and its enzyme make it an excellent food to facilitate breast development. Being rich in vitamin A, breast hormones and other nutrients, papayas can stimulate the secretion of estrogen and the healthy function of the mammary gland. In Asian countries, it is generally believed that regular consumption of papayas will help women enhance the fullness and firmness of the breasts.

Papaya for beauty

The high contents of vitamin C and papain in papayas help to keep the skin soft and smooth. They are also very effective in releasing the toxins from the body, cleansing and refreshing the skin from the inside out. The result is a clear complexion. The reddish meat of the papaya is rich in β-carotene, a very important natural anti-oxidant against free radicals which are infamous for premature aging. In other words, papaya recipes keep women young and make their skin glow.

The Recipes

1. Papaya and Fish Soup

Papayas and fish go extremely well with each other and this soup is very easy to make. The ingredients are simple: 1 medium papaya, 500g fresh fish (can be whole or part), 80g ground nuts, 2 slices of ginger and 8 bowls of water. The ground nuts should be soaked in water for 30 minutes and washed clean.

For the actual procedure, peel the papaya and remove the seeds. Cut the papaya into large pieces. Wash and wipe dry the fish. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish until both sides turn golden. Boil the water, add all the ingredients and let the contents simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Add salt and the soup is ready for serving.

2. Papaya Milk recipe

In this easy recipe, the calcium in milk, the vitamin C and enzyme in papayas are conducive to slimming and beauty. To prepare this healthy drink, you will need 150 grams of papaya (about 1 / 4 of a large papaya), 1 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar.

First, peel, wash and cut the papaya into pieces. Next, put the papaya into a blender, add the milk and sugar. Then mix the ingredients for a few minutes at medium speed. Drink the smoothie within 30 minutes or the flavor and nutrients will get lost.

3. Tremella Papaya Stew recipe

Tremella is also called white, silver or snow fungus. Its health and anti-aging benefits are comparable to the valuable bird’s nest but tremella is much cheaper. Being a vital beauty supplement, snow fungus is often taken by women to help improve the skin condition.

To prepare the tremella papaya stew, you will need 15 grams of tremella, a medium large ripe papaya, 20 grams of sweet & bitter almond and the suitable amount of rock sugar depending on personal preference. Before the stewing process, soak the snow fungus in water until it fully expands and becomes soft. Rinse the fungus and almond thoroughly. Peel and cut the papaya into pieces. Put all the ingredients into a stewing pot. Add 2-3 bowls of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes and the recipe is ready for serving.

The Mother’s Day is just a few weeks away. If you happen to be bothering about what to give your Mum to show your love and care, consider one of the easy Chinese papaya recipes for women listed above for a surprise.


Gout Foods - What to Eat and What to Avoid

Gout foods 
What gout patients should eat and what they should avoid is an important question that bothers many gout sufferers and their partners. Knowing the causes and characteristics of the ailment will help those concerned to decide on the best gout foods to eat.

Gout as a disease
Gout is a type of arthritis that usually occurs to middle-aged people of 40-50. It is more commonly found in men than women. Gout attacks, characterized by sudden, severe bouts of redness, swelling and inflammation in the joints can cause extreme pain to the patient. 
Causes of gout
Gout occurs when excess uric acid builds up and develops into needle-like crystals at the joints, causing gout symptoms and severe pain to the patient. Uric acid is produced when purines, a substance existing naturally in the body cells and in many foods, are broken down. The increase in uric acid level in the body may be due to the kidneys’ inability to remove excess uric acid or the body’s inability to properly process a type of purine. Apart from pain relief and medical treatment, it is vital for the patient to consume appropriate gout foods so as to reduce the intake of protein and purine. 

Gout Foods to avoid
Foods rich in protein and purine should be avoided by gout patients. Some principles of food choice are as follows:
  •   Reduce the amount of meat products that are high in purine content. These include lamb, pork, beef as well as animal organs such as kidney, liver and intestines.
  • Avoid seafood which is high in uric acid levels like cod, sardines, anchovies, roe (fish eggs), trout, herring and shellfish such as mussels and scallops.
  • Regarding beverages, gout patients must cut down on the consumption of alcoholic drinks, beer included. Stay away also from sugary foods such as ice-cream, candy, soft drinks and fruit preserves like jam and jelly.

Gout foods to eat 

A good healthy diet is very helpful in both preventing gout attacks and releasing pain when one does. The American Medical Association recommends the following dietary guidelines for people with gout.

  • Eat a diet high in complex carbohydrates, for instance, fiber-rich whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume foods that are low in protein. Plan a menu in which 15% of the calories intake comes from soy, lean meat, or poultry. Limit the calories intake from fat to 30% or less, of which only 10% can be animal fats.
To paint a clearer picture, here is a list of recommended gout foods for reference:
  • Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and other red-blue berries
  • Vegetables including kale, cabbage, parsley, celery and green-leafy vegetables
  • Foods high in vitamin C: red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes
  • Bananas and pineapples
  • Fruit juices and plenty of purified water
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Complex carbohydrates: bread, cereals, pasta, rice
  • Chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea
  • Foods containing essential fatty acids: tuna, salmon, nuts, seeds
Since purines exist in all protein foods, it is not realistic for a gout sufferer to avoid all foods that contain protein. Some foods which are moderately high in purines are comparatively safer for the gout patient to consume. These gout foods include peas, beans, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, chicken, duck, ham and turkey.

Further reading: Magic Gout Cures Uric Acid

Magic Gout Cures Rid Uric Acid

Gout, which is caused by the building up of uric acid in the joints of the human body, is notorious for its sudden attacks and severe pain to the sufferer. Apart from flushing the body with plenty of water and observing a careful diet, there are magic gout cures that can rid uric acid from the joints and prevent it from attacking again. The three most effective gout cures adopted in Asia are introduced below.

1.          Coconut Water Gout Cure

Coconut is a common fruit of the tropical region which has a magical effect for the treatment of gout. Coconut water is the clear liquid inside young coconuts. Asian herbalists advocate drinking coconut water regularly to release uric acid and cure even serious cases of gout. All gout patients have to do is to consume the liquid of 1 to 3 fresh coconuts each day. The pain caused by gout will disappear in 1-2 hours. Continuous consumption of coconut water in this way will rid excess uric acid totally and heal all symptoms of gout completely in 2-3 months.
In regions where fresh coconuts are not accessible or during untimely seasons, mature coconuts and even canned coconut water are acceptable substitutes, but the healing power of fresh coconuts remains the best.

2.          Green Papaya Gout Cure

The benefits of both green papaya and green tea have been widely documented. The formula of papaya green tea is a proven cure to gout. To prepare papaya green tea, cut up a medium-sized green papaya into cubes without removing the skin. Put the papaya in a container, add 4 bowls of water. Boil the water for 2 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon of tea leaves. Leave it for 30 minutes and the tea is ready for serving. Sip the tea regularly throughout the day. If possible, add the water of a fresh coconut to enhance the healing effect. The power of this recipe to rid uric acid is amazing.

3.          Potato Juice Gout Cure

The juice of potatoes has anti-inflammatory functions. Being rich in potassium, it can neutralize uric acid and reduce excessive uric acid storage in the joints. So the raw potato juice formula is one of the most successful treatments for rheumatic and arthritic situations, including gout. The preparation procedure is simple. Cut a medium-sized potato into thin slices, without peeling the skin. Leave the slices overnight in a big glass of cold water. Drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Alternatively, raw potato juice can also be mixed with vegetable juice like carrot or celery.

The above uric acid releasing gout cures are 100% natural and safe. There is nothing to lose but everything to gain if you are bothered by arthritic or gout. 

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